An encounter with stinging insects can be very startling, and in some cases dangerous to people who may be allergic to their sting. Milder winters have assisted more and more queen bees in overwintering from season to season. This has resulted in more nests to come across each year.
In order to gain control over Yellow Jackets and other stinging insects, proper treatment is crucial. Yellow Jackets and Bald Faced Hornets become very aggressive and protective of their colony when disturbed. When they are improperly treated, it can result in stinging insects entering the home or getting directly stung. We use different methods of treatment, depending on the species and location of the nest.
Although Cicada Killers and Carpenter Bees aren't known for being aggressive and stinging, they still are capable of it. The sheer size of Cicada Killers can be intimidating. Add in the holes they excavate in yards, and they quickly can become a nuisance. Carpenter Bees are very rare to sting. Their damage to wood, staining of siding, and saw dust they produce can make them very unwanted. Carpenter Bee presence will also draw woodpeckers, resulting in even more damage. Give us a call for very competitive pricing on your stinging insect treatments.
Yellow Jackets

Bald Faced Hornets

Carpenter Bees

Cicada Killers